Dr. Siro Masinde, Aluka’s Regional Coordinator in Africa, will be giving a presentation on Aluka and how it can effect change in research and scholarship in Africa. Dr. Masinde has spent the better part of the year traveling throughout Africa spreading the word about Aluka and engaging institutions as participants in the Aluka community and the results have been worthwhile; so far, over 70 African institutions have signed up with Aluka.
Following Dr. Masinde’s presentation, I, in my capacity as a member of Aluka User Services will be conducting a training session with all participants demonstrating the content available on the site as well as the advanced learning tools available for exploring and interacting with the digital library. Participants will have plenty of time for exploring Aluka from their workstation in the ICT Centre and Dr. Masinde, Rahim Rajan, Aluka’s Collection Development Manager, and myself will be available to offer any assistance and answer any questions as needed.
Lunch will be served and hopefully a good, productive time will be had by all. We look forward to meeting all the attendees and working with them to help Aluka become a positive tool for research and scholarship in Ghana.