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This video is a first draft of my take on how and why geography, virtual or otherwise, still matters in elearning. This clumsily alludes to the sense of boundary/border crossings, imagination, and playfulness found in elearning, all elements of a sound pedagogy for online learning. I think we often devalue imagination in this process as well, or attempt to intellectualize it perhaps too rigidly; imagination, in my experience, is the fuel for creativity, innovation, any meaningful interaction.
I consider myself a borderline veteran of elearning as a participant as the video suggests and this is just me reflecting on what seemed to work and what didn’t.
This was originally created as part of a discussion for the University of Edinburgh, but it seemed to have some general application to elearning and teaching as well. It draws clumsily from a few different sources, including:
- Bayne, S. (2010). Academetron, automaton, phantom: uncanny digital pedagogies.London Review of Education, 8/1, 5-13.
- Edwards, R. (2010). The end of lifelong learning: A post-human condition? Studies in the Education of Adults, 42/1, 5-17.
- Meyer, J.H.F. & Land, R. (2005), Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge (2): epistemological considerations and a conceptual framework for teaching and learning. Higher Education, 49 (3), 373−388.
- Usher, R. and Edwards, R. (1998). Lost and found: ‘cyberspace’ and the (dis)location of teaching, learning and research. SCUTREA