Based on ongoing discussions and projects I have been having in my role from the Centre for Research in Digital Education with my colleagues at Learning, Technology, and the Web, Myles Blaney and I decided that all the exploratory conversations we were having naturally as part of that work might be shared. So with nifty portable podcasting kit, we recorded our first podcast yesterday more or less off the cuff (ok, we had an outline) and we are sharing it on our respective blogs while we find a permanent home for it.
We wanted to use the podcast as a means of documenting our thinking on how we are approaching particular technologies, positioning these as expanding on the teacher function (or not, in which case we are largely ignoring them), and demystifying them, hopefully, in the process. The University of Edinburgh is doing some good work in this space, basing many of their technological decisions on outputs from systematic consultations with the larger community, students and staff included.
The topics themselves will vary but the immediate targets are an ongoing discussion around automation and teaching (lots of demystifying necessary there), learning analytics, and adaptive learning, all of which we are engaging with speculatively at the University.
What this podcast represents is a forthright, sincere and ultimately speculative journey through the contentious technologies most impacting higher education in our near futures. It represents our understanding of the issues as they stand at that moment, an understanding that will shift considerably over time (as it should). If you are interested in joining us for a chat, please do reach out.

[…] M&M Podcast: Setting the Scene, Terms, Topics M&M Podcast #2: Bots and the Teacher Function #short_code_si_icon img {width:32px; } .scid-1 img { width:32px !important; } Share : function openwindow(url) { window.open(url,"Window","menubar=0,resizable=1,width=750,height=400"); } Tags: University of Edinburgh.ca{opacity:0.6;} […]