Afternoon sloth
I have noticed a considerable dropoff in my energy levels in the afternoon. I am a much more diligent worker in the morning, full of vim and vigor, and consider…
I have noticed a considerable dropoff in my energy levels in the afternoon. I am a much more diligent worker in the morning, full of vim and vigor, and consider…
From Newark to Indianafor a rendezvous with renewal. Tomorrow we leave and we return Sundayand that elusive content feeling will fill me fora day or two. Deep in the heart…
I would ransom all the years from now till my passingto meet you again. Your sharp light, your innovation. You are my guide in this fog of belief, this haze…
If you come at all,you come to me in a dream.A deep, violent, summer dreamof memory, humid to the touch. Yet you exist, elusive as an eel,and I awake as…
While very few people actually do visit my site, they are a multi-lingual bunch. I am like Hasselholf in Germany! A less popular, but infinitely more talented version of Michael…