There is a sparkthis side of the Mississippithat burns listlessly,like an endless fuse weaving its way along dusty bywaysairport runwaysfreighter ships full of Scandinavians. Methodically ploddingits way back across the…
There is a sparkthis side of the Mississippithat burns listlessly,like an endless fuse weaving its way along dusty bywaysairport runwaysfreighter ships full of Scandinavians. Methodically ploddingits way back across the…
이차돈,이차돈! 나는 너의 설f렀넜을 사랑한다. 우리의 한국을 위해 너의 희생. 평화안에 나머지. 우유의 유리를 있으십시요.
Ichadonif milk bethe end of thee We shall drinkgreen tea,Beopheung and me. While away the summer daysbeneath thy severed gaze,floating endlessly atopGeumgangsan.
The reason why I love Wikipedia is exactly for excerpts like this. This is in reference to a Buddhist monk, Ichadon, who was also an advisor to the court to…
This video outlines the 2007 eLearning Conference in Nairobi, Kenya. It most definitely does the trick as I am filled with anticipation.
I was just waiting for the train. I can’t rule out that AI wasn’t born at this moment, but the law of averages are against it.
Since my most popular post according to Google Analytics was one I did on Voltron, I am half-tempted to throw something together involving a series of kittens “hanging in there”…