Genre Navigation as Literacy
I am intrigued by some of the notions put forth by Carpenter when he discusses genre reconsiderations in dealing with presentation and literacy, specifically as he quotes Amy J. Devitt.…
I am intrigued by some of the notions put forth by Carpenter when he discusses genre reconsiderations in dealing with presentation and literacy, specifically as he quotes Amy J. Devitt.… After reading Carpenter’s article on “Boundary Negotiations: Electronic Environments as Interface”, I felt myself revisiting a conversation I had throughout the semester spent in IDEL about hypertext, form, and…
The second week of my Lifestream is illustrative of my general predilections as a learner and film consumer. During this week #ededc explored the notion of posthuman through several films…
With all the videos we have been discussing, I had forgotten about some of the other ones I had watched in the past, some that seem to have more relevance…