I am helping to organise the upcoming BAICE Conference being hosted in Edinburgh this year (feel free to guess which sub-theme below is mine) and encourage anyone in my network to submit and attend. You can learn more here but feel free to reach out directly to me as well if you have any questions.
Partnerships in education: collaboration, co-operation and co-optation
23rd – 25th September, University of Edinburgh
Call for papers
BAICE 2020’s focus is on past, present and future collaborations across a wide range of subthemes to conceptualise joint ventures in comparative and international education more robustly. We are interested in papers that will: help to identify new possibilities for collaborations in education; critique, question and challenge accepted wisdom and practice; and provide inspiration to think about the different ways that stakeholders in education can work together. The conference sub-themes are:
- Global-local nexus of education
- Partnerships beyond formal schooling
- Experiencing education
- Technology: realising educational potential and a new autonomy
- Education partnerships in conflict and protracted crises
- Partnerships around the provision and financing of education
As always, BAICE welcomes papers that discuss comparative and international education, formal and non-formal learning at primary, secondary and tertiary level or adult education, across all global regions including high, middle and low-income countries. If you have an idea for a submission that does not link to a named subtheme, but resonates with the overarching focus of the conference, please mark it as ‘open theme’ on the form.
Participation in the conference can take several forms:
- A full paper presentation (15 minutes with time for questions and discussion)
- A short/quick-fire paper presentation (5 minutes for posing ideas or questions as a stimulus for discussion)
- A panel symposium (a collection of 3-4 related papers)
- A facilitator for a round table in our discussion café where we will be hosting informal open sessions on a particular issue
- A poster presentation
Submission information
For more information about the conference theme and sub-themes, please visit our conference website https://baice.ac.uk/baice-conference-2020/
Abstracts of 300 words (max) must be submitted by 5pm, 30th March 2020. The form for online submission is available here.
Please include full names and affiliations of all presenters. For panel submissions, please submit an abstract for the panel along with abstracts for each of the papers proposed within that panel.
Please note that an author can only make one submission and can only contribute as a co-author on up to 2 papers (with the exception of the discussion café – we welcome expressions of interest in hosting table discussions in addition to formal presentations)
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on BAICE2020@ed.ac.uk
You will be informed of the decision by 24th April 2020.