eLearning Africa ethnography
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUrK8YIk_R8 This is a video record of my Prezi presentation for my ethnography for #ededc om the #mscel at the University of Edinburgh. I use the hashtags for this to…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUrK8YIk_R8 This is a video record of my Prezi presentation for my ethnography for #ededc om the #mscel at the University of Edinburgh. I use the hashtags for this to…
This week has been less about output and more about observation. I diverted much of the energy that I had previously been expending towards pushing out content, reflections, etc. towards…
I should start this post by saying I am slightly miffed at myself and that may or may not be warranted. In regards to the ethnography we are pursuing, specifically…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BduxXj5YpFw A noticeable narrative that has begun to appear in much of the conversation in the eLearning Africa community is a narrative of resistance, a narrative of struggle, a narrative…
I have relied on this quote quite a bit over the last week about the authority of audio when dealing with ethnographies. Based on my initial forays into my chosen…
This week, for me, was about the exploration of perception, community, and connectedness. I found myself more invested in the process of interaction than ever before, desiring greatly to mediate…