Elearning & (Virtual) Geography: Space Matters
This video is a first draft of my take on how and why geography, virtual or otherwise, still matters in elearning. This clumsily alludes to the sense of boundary/border crossings,…
This video is a first draft of my take on how and why geography, virtual or otherwise, still matters in elearning. This clumsily alludes to the sense of boundary/border crossings,…
A friend brought this to my attention as he happened to know of my interest in urban cultural heritage and mobile augmented reality for the #ededc final assignment. This is…
After making my way through the reading, the posts (including my own), and the comments for this week on a posthuman pedagogy, I started to connect these with my own…
This post is basically a response and continuation of James' post on a posthuman pedagogy specifically geared towards an upcoming event that he and I are contributing to. I wanted…
This week was spent mostly moving through Bayne's "Academetron, automaton, phantom: uncanny digital pedagogies" in my posts for the Wordpress blog as well as Edwards' The end of lifelong learning:…
Just like Shields, I am not quite ready to let go of (Sian!) Bayne's work on digital pedagogy. I could whirl in the abstract for post after endless post, but…