Strangeness and Liminality: How do we know when we have passed?
I will just start out this post with my question in regards to liminality and crossing boundaries as uncanny acts. If the posthuman pedagogy becomes one of pursuing “strangeness” or…
I will just start out this post with my question in regards to liminality and crossing boundaries as uncanny acts. If the posthuman pedagogy becomes one of pursuing “strangeness” or…
I wanted push on a bit with Bayne’s “Academetron, automaton, phantom: uncanny digital pedagogies” article, if only to further experience the oddity (perhaps uncanny?) experience of speaking of our professor…
We scatter our ‘bodies’ across the web where they gain a kind of independence as nodes for commentary, connection and appropriation by others into new networks and new configurations. These…
“The article suggests that while Lyotard (1984) argued that the post-modern condition of knowledge was one of incredulity to grand narratives, this could be extended to an ontological condition, the…
“An uncanny digital pedagogy concerned with ghostliness of place would take a confident stance toward its own ‘otherness’, using the multiple, disaggregated and public nodes of the read–write web as… A nice low-fi anthem for scheduling of activities for the week. An anthem for organization and sense-making.
This week was more or less a love letter to Shields’ “Flanerie for Cyborgs” article as it resonated with me quite significantly. It seemed to build to some degree on…