Conference Proceedings for mLearn 2011 in Beiing, China
In case anyone wants a look at the papers presented at the recent mLearn 2011 Conference in Beijing on the campus of Beijing Normal University, feel free to take a…
In case anyone wants a look at the papers presented at the recent mLearn 2011 Conference in Beijing on the campus of Beijing Normal University, feel free to take a…
I have just returned from the mLearn 2011 Conference in Beijing, China, which focuses, not surprisingly, on mobile and ubiquitous learning (anywhere, anytime, all the time). Some good sessions and…
That title is actually two differnet topics just bunched together under one blog post. They aren’t related. Heading out to Beijing on Monday for mLearn 2011 conference (#mlearn2011) where I…
Part of the impetus for writing this rests on the fact that I have been battling all day with a variety of tools and technologies so I wanted to pause…
I just recently watched Terence Malick’s Tree of Life so this post might have the remnants of the philosophical stupor I have been in for the last few days since…
I should just come out and say it from the beginning. A paper about open education that is authored by a single person feels (not necessarily is) a little anachronistic…
I was reading through one of my favorite blogs Play the Past, which discusses the intersection between games and cultural history (or gaming cultural history). One of the posts in…