This post will be brief as I have mentioned it before, but 1001 Wonders>Earth documents in some wonderful panorama photography older cultural heritage sites throughout the world. I naturally gravitate towards Korea and Africa to see what they have and it is considerable.
What is interesting is that an old Korean kingdom going by the name of Goguryeo (고구려), which existed from 37 BC to 668 AD, stretched far into modern day China. The borders between Korea and China have been fluid over the years and this has been the source of controversy as either side tries to assert some sort of historical claim to the land, or at least suzerainty. To read more about this ongoing controversy, go to this article from Yonhap. History in this neck of the woods is often subverted to suit political tastes, just ask North Korea. That isn’t exclusively an Asian phenomena, however; it just seems more overt there.
The 1001 Wonders site, perhaps reasonable from a geographical standpoint, places the ruins of the Goguryeo heritage site firmly in modern China. This is valid from a modern viewpoint, but the map of Goguryeo would establish this site as being Korean. Either way, kudos for the site.
Be sure to head to their site and give it a look if only to whirl around the panoramas using your mouse. Good fun.