Open Teaching: Identity, Practice, Tools, Intent
I was working through my syllabus for the upcoming (as in September) semester, taking stock of my research project (which is nearing conclusion) and reflecting on the state of open…
I was working through my syllabus for the upcoming (as in September) semester, taking stock of my research project (which is nearing conclusion) and reflecting on the state of open…
I wasn’t going to get involved in this brouhaha involving the #massiveteaching scenario, whatever it plays out to be. There are much smarter people than I commenting and analyzing and…
I always have at least five papers in outline form on my computer. All sitting there highly visible, a constant reminder to keep writing (and blogging, apparently). I have noticed…
Open Badges: Why and Why Not I have been wanting for some time now to learn how to make and issue open badges as I have been conducting workshops and…