Why did I mention grey literature before?
As a wonderful transition into this:
UNO NOW OFFERS AN ACCREDITED COURSE ON GREY LITERATURE http://www.greynet.org/greynethome/news.html
The University of New Orleans (UNO) has approved a proposal by GreyNet that will offer this fall semester a distance education course for undergraduate/graduate students. GreyNet hopes that such an endeavor will provide new avenues for young researchers to enter and concentrate on this field of information. The structure of distance education allows that the various stakeholders need not be physically present within one academic institution, but instead are brought together in a joint venture; one that guarantees students access to courseware, qualified instruction, and course credit.
A course syllabus http://www.greynet.org/images/Syllabus_Grey_Literature.pdf and e-reader geared to a distance education program have been drafted and will be implemented during the fall semester 2007.
Those interested to enroll in this course and who are not UNO students, please contact Mr. Brain McDonald at (+1 504 280-7114) or email him at
(bmcdonal@uno.edu) He will be pleased to “fast track” you through the registration process.
Grey Literature Network Service
Javastraat 194-HS
1095 CP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel/Fax +31(0)20-331.2420