Papers and Publications

Peer Reviewed Journals

Reynolds, A.; Boateng, S.; Akello, M.; Atherton El-Amine, B.; Nanyunja, S.; Mulondo, A. & Gallagher, M. (2024 In Review) Connected learning as collaboration and psychosocial support: a critical evaluation of a bridge programme for refugees in Uganda. Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME).

Ruiz, N. and Gallagher, M. (2025). Digital imaginaries in educational governance and policy of rural schools in Colombia. International Journal of Educational Development.

Gallagher, M, Evans, P. and Sarpong-Duah, J. (2024). Radiating out, scaling up, human capital, and horizontalism: the digital tensions in educational governance in Ghana. International Journal of Educational Development, 111.

Gallagher, M.; Nanyunja, S.; Akello, M.; and Mulondo, A. (2024). Hopeful futures for refugees in higher education: cultivation, contingency, and technology. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education.

Akello, M.; Gallagher, M.; Nanyunja, S.; Mulondo, A.; Cole, G.; Falisse, JB; and Miranda, JJ. (2024). Minimal computing in refugee education in Uganda: economies of digital use and non-use, and the right constraints. Learning, Media and Technology, 49(5).

Gallagher, M. & Lamb, J. (2023). Open education in closed-loop systems: enabling closures and open-loops. Digital Education.

Akello, M., Cole, G., Mulondo, A., Gallagher, M., Falisse, J. B., & El-Amine, B. A. (2023). Foundations for All Toolkit.

Gallagher, M.; Najjuma, R. & Nambi, R. (2023). Bidi Bidi kind of creativity: the liminality of digital inclusion for displaced populations in Uganda. Social Inclusion.

Nambi, R.; Gallagher, M.; & Najjuma, R. (2023). Integrating refugee students into Ugandan higher education: communicative action, othering, everyday enactments of participation. Research in Comparative and International Education.

Gallagher, M. & Breines, M. (2022). Unpacking the hidden curriculum in educational automation: a methodology for ethical praxis. Postdigital Science and Education.

Gallagher, M.; Nicol, S. & Breines, M. (2022). Ghost hunting in the broken archives: re-historicizing digital education. Postdigital Science and Education.

Najjuma, R.; Gallagher, M. & Nambi, R. (2022). Institutional practice and the role of non-educational actors in shaping refugee student lifeworlds in Ugandan higher education. Transformation in Higher Education.

Mtebe, J. & Gallagher, M. (2022). Continued usage intentions of digital technologies post-pandemic through the Expectation-Confirmation Model: the case of a Tanzanian university. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT) 18(1).

Lamb, J., Carvalho, L., Gallagher, M., & Knox, J. (2021). The Postdigital Learning Spaces of Higher Education. Postdigital Science and Education, 1-12.

Bayne, S. & Gallagher, M. (2021). Near Future Teaching: practice, policy and digital education futures. Policy Futures in Education, (19)5).

Mtebe, J.; Fulgence, K. & Gallagher, M. (2021). COVID-19 and technology enhanced teaching in higher education in sub-Saharan Africa: A Case of the university of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of Learning for Development, 8(2).

Gallagher, M., Breines, M. & Blaney, M (2021). Ontological Transparency, (In)visibility, and Hidden Curricula: Critical Pedagogy Amidst Contentious Edtech. Postdigital Science and Education, 3: 425–443. 

Gallagher, M. & Breines, M. (2020). Surfacing knowledge mobilities in higher education: Reconfiguring the teacher function through automation. Learning, Media, and Technology

Breines, M. & Gallagher, M. (2020). A return to Teacherbot: Rethinking the development of educational technology at the University of Edinburgh. Teaching in Higher Education.

Gallagher, M. (2019). Educational unsustainability in sub-Saharan Africa: in search of counter-narratives to policy pressures and exponential tech growth. Visions for Sustainability (12).

Gallagher, M. & Knox, J. (2019). Global Technologies, Local Practices. Learning, Media and Technology, 44(3): 225-234.

Gallagher, M.; Knox, J. & Lamb, J. (2018). On an excursion through EC1: multimodality, ethnography and urban walking. Qualitative Research

Gallagher, M. S. (2017). Mobile learning in an age of surveillance: the urban subversive as pedagogical position. Continuum, 31(2): 177-188.

Gallagher, M. (2015). Artfully Converting Open (Urban) Space to Learning Space: Mobile Learning and Korean LiteratureMedia Education: Studi, Ricerche, Buone Pratiche, 6(2): pp 294-307.

Gallagher, M. & Ihanainen, P. (2015). Aesthetic literacy: observable phenomena and pedagogical applications for (mobile) lifelong learning. European Journal of Open, Distance, and E-Learning, 2014(1).

Ihanainen, P. & Gallagher, M. (2015). Learning in the Open. Futura, Finnish Society for Future Studies, 2015 (1).

Bayne, S.; Gallagher, M.S. & Lamb, J. (2014). Being ‘at’ university: the social topologies of distance studentsHigher Education,67(5), 569-583. Retrieved from

Ross, J.; Gallagher, M.; Macleod, H. (2013).  Making distance visible: assembling nearness in an online distance learning programmeThe International Review of Research in Open and Distance Education (IRRODL), 14(4).

de Waard, I., Koutropoulos, A., Hogue, R. J., Abajian, S. C., Keskin, N. Ö., Rodriguez, C. O., & Gallagher, M. S. (2012). Merging MOOC and mLearning for Increased Learner Interactions. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), 4(4), 34-46.

Gallagher, M.S.; de Waard, I., Koutropoulos, A., Hogue, R. J., Abajian, S. C., Keskin, N. Ö., & Rodriguez, C. O. (2012). Emotive Vocabulary in MOOCs: Context and Participant RetentionEuropean Journal of Open, Distance, and E-Learning, 11(2).

de Waard, I., Gallagher, M.S.; Koutropoulos, A., Hogue, R. J., Abajian, S. C., Keskin, N. Ö., & Rodriguez, C. O. (2011). Using mLearning and MOOCs to understand chaos, emergence, and complexity in educationThe International Review of Research in Open and Distance Education, November, 2011.

Edited Book Chapters

Gallagher, M. & Najjuma, R. (2025 Forthcoming). The geopolitical arrays of digital and educational development in Uganda: discourses, homogeneity, and domestic alternatives. In Peters, M. A., Green, B. J., Kamenarac, O., Jandrić, P., & Besley, T. (forthcoming 2025) The Geopolitics of Postdigital Educational Development. Cham: Springer.

Moore, D.; Muzite, P.; Prinsloo, P. & Gallagher, M. (2025 Forthcoming) Postdigital privilege: notes from the rig. In Peters, M. A., Green, B. J., Kamenarac, O., Jandrić, P., & Besley, T. (forthcoming 2025) The Geopolitics of Postdigital Educational Development. Cham: Springer.

Ruiz, N.; Kumari, S. & Gallagher, M. (2025 Forthcoming). Postdigital learning fictions in Colombia and India: the geopolitics of southern imagination. In Peters, M. A., Green, B. J., Kamenarac, O., Jandrić, P., & Besley, T. (forthcoming 2025). The Geopolitics of Postdigital Educational Development. Cham: Springer.

Ismail, M.; Yunus, S.; and Gallagher, M. (2023). Post-pandemic expressions of (digital) ujamaa: The case of the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA). In Hannah Moscovitz, Michele Martini and Susan Robertson (eds.) Building the Post-Pandemic University.

Fawns, T; Gallagher, M.; and Bayne, S. (2021). Institutional contexts in supporting quality online postgraduate education: lessons learned from two initiatives at the University of Edinburgh. In T. Fawns, G. Aitken, and D. Ford (eds.) Online Postgraduate Education in a Postdigital World: Beyond Technology. London: Springer.

Gallagher, M. (2020). Distilling complexity through metastability and mobility: the networked learning spaces of Amara. In N. Bonderup Dohn, P. Jandric, M. de Laat & T. Ryberg Politics (Eds.), Mobility, Agency and Data in Networked Learning. London: Springer.

Gallagher, M. (2019). Artificial intelligence and the mobilities of inclusion: the accumulated advantages of 5G networks, machine learning, and surfacing outliers. In J. Knox, Y. Wang, M. Gallagher (Eds.) Inclusive Education, ICT, and Artificial Intelligence, London: Springer.

Knox, J.; Wang, Y. & Gallagher, M. (2019). AI, Inclusion, and ‘Everyone Learning Everything’. In Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Education, London: Springer.

Gallagher, M. (2019). Moving Beyond Microwork: Rebundling Digital Education and Reterritorialising Digital Labour. In Peters, M. A.; Jandrić, P.; & Means, A. J. (Eds.). Education and Technological Unemployment. London: Springer.

Knox, J.; Wang, Y. & Gallagher, M. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Education: Speculative Futures and Emerging Practices. London: Springer.

Gallagher, M. (2019). AI, Chatbots, and Disconnects with Neo-Confucianism in South Korea. In M. Pegrum (Ed.) Mobile Lenses on Learning: Languages and Literacies on the Move. London: Springer.

Churchill, D.; Pegrum, M.; Churchill, N.; Gallagher, M… (2018). The Implementation of Mobile Learning in Asia: Key Trends in Practices and Research. In J. Voogt et al. (eds.), Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education, Springer International Handbooks of Education.

Gallagher, M. (2017). KakaoTalk meets the Ministry of Education: Mobile Learning in South Korean Higher Education. In J. Traxler & H. Crompton (Eds.) Mobile Learning and Higher Education: Case Studies in Practice. London: Routledge.

Keskin, N.; Koutropoulos, A.; Metcalf, D., de Waard, I., Gallagher, M.; Y. Anzai, & Büyük, K. (2017). National Strategies for OER and MOOC from 2010 to 2020: USA, UK, Canada, China, South Korea, Turkey. In K. Buyuk, S. Kocdar & A. Bozkurt (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Administrative Leadership in Open and Distance Learning Programs. Hershey: IGI Global

Gallagher, M.; Lamb, J. & Bayne, S. (2017). The sound spaces of online, distance learners. In L. Carvalho, P. Goodyear & M. de Laat (Eds.) Place-based Spaces for Networked Learning. Sydney: Routledge.

Gallagher, M., Lamb, J., & Bayne, S. (2016). The sonic spaces of online distance learners. Place-based Spaces for Networked Learning. Sydney: Routledge.

Gallagher, M. & Ihanainen, P. (2016). Towards an Auditory Pedagogy. SeOppi, The Association of the Finnish eLearning Centre.

Gallagher, M. & Lamb, J. (2016). Open Digital Practices. In M.A. Peters (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Singapore: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-532-7_220-1.

Gallagher, M. & Ihanainen, P. (2016). Field Activity and the Pedagogy of Simultaneity to Support Mobile Learning in the Open. In Research, Boundaries and Policy in Networked Learning. S. Bayne, M. de Laat, T. Ryberg, & C. Sinclair (Eds.). New York: Springer.

Ihanainen, P. & Gallagher, M. (2014). From open to learning space-steps to open pedagogy. SeOppi, The Association of the Finnish eLearning Centre, 3 (2014).

Gallagher, M. & Ihanainen, P. (2013). Pedagogy supporting the simultaneous learning processes of open education: Pedagogy of Simultaneity (PoS). Open Education 2030: Higher Education, European Commission, Joint Research Centre: Information Society Unit.

Keskin, N; Gallagher, M.; Sarsar, F. (2013). E-Book Readers for Everyone: Fatih Project. Mobile Pedagogy and Perspectives on Teaching and Learning. IGI Global.

Gallagher, M. (2010). JSTOR Plant Science. Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems, L’archivio istituzionale d’Ateneo.

Conference Papers

Gallagher, Michael (University of Edinburgh); Akello, Martha (Refugee Law Project); Atherton El-Amine, Brooke (American University of Beirut); Cole, Georgia (University of Edinburgh); Egwalu, Robert (Refugee Law Project); Kompogo, Mary (Refugee Law Project); Lugala, Cosmos (Refugee Law Project); Miranda, Juan-Jose (University of Edinburgh); Mulondon, Apollo (Refugee Law Project); Nanyunja, Sandra (Refugee Law Project); Symons, Kate (Open University) (2021). Blended learning in refugee education: the case of the Foundations for All project in Kampala and Kiryandongo, Uganda. Africomm Conference 2021, Zanzibar.

Bayne, S. & Gallagher, M. (2020). Anticipating the near future of teaching. Networked Learning Conference 2020, Denmark.

Gallagher, M. (2018). Amira’s complexity and cosmopolitanism: the role of disposition in mobilities and mobile learning. Networked Learning Conference 2018, Zagreb, Croatia.

Lamb, J. & Gallagher, M. (2017). ‘Multimodality and Mobile Learning in Bremen‘, at The 3rd Bremen Conference on Multimodality, 20 September 2017.

Lamb, J.; Gallagher, M. & Knox, J. (2015). ‘Urban Flanerie as Multimodal Autoethnography’. At Multimodality: Methodological Explorations, London, 15 January 2015.

Gallagher, M. & Ihanainen, P. (2014). Mobile Learning Field Activity: Pedagogy of Simultaneity to Support Learning in the Open. Networked Learning Conference 2014, Edinburgh.

de Waard, I.; Gallagher, M.; Zelezny-Green, R.; Czerniewicz; Downes, S.; Kukulska-Hulme, A. & Willems, J. (2014). Challenges for conceptualising EU MOOC for vulnerable learner groups. EMOOCs 2014: European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, Lausanne (Switzerland).

de Waard, I., Koutropoulos, A., Hogue, R. J., Abajian, S. C., Keskin, N. Ö., Rodriguez, C. O., & Gallagher, M. S. (2011)  Exploring the MOOC format as a pedagogical approach for mLearningmLearn 2011 Conference Proceedings, October 2011


Sian Bayne, Michael Gallagher, Sotiria Grek, Juan-Jose Miranda, William C. Smith, June Xu, Shrikant Wad, Ben Williamson (2021). The 2023 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report Concept Note on Technology and Education: A Joint Response from the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Research in Digital Education and Comparative Education and International Development (CEID) Research Group.

Grek, S, Zhang, S, Sabeti, S & Gallagher, M. (2021). Complex and intersecting barriers to access: some concluding thoughts. in W Smith, A Voight & Y Zhang (eds), In Smith, W.C., Voigt, A. & Zhang, Y. (Eds.), Barriers to Secondary Education in the Asia Pacific Region: A Scoping Review of Four Countries. : Final report of the Scotland Funding Council GCRF project Universal Secondary Education in the Asia Pacific Region.. pp. 65-69.

Bayne, S, Abaci, S, Choi, S, Davies, HC, Doonan, J, Evans, P, Ewins, R, Farrell, K, Gallagher, M, Knox, J, Lamb, J, Lawson, T, Manches, A, Miltner, KM, Nisbet, P, O’shea, C, Plowman, L, Robertson, J, Ross, J, Sheail, P, Spiller, J, Sowton, C & Williamson, B 2021, Centre Report 2021: Centre for Research in Digital Education. The Centre for Research in Digital Education.

Bayne, S, Gallagher, M, Brozek, B, Capitant, D, Esposti, MD, Piel, B, Rybowski, R, Salmi, A-M, Sintubin, M & Villaverde Lopez, G. (2021). The European University of the Future: Bold, Integrated, Open. UNA Europa.


Gallagher, MS; (2016) Charting Trajectories on the Peripheries of Community Practice: Mobile Learning for the Humanities in South Korea. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Editorial Board

Editorial Board. Postdigital Science and Education.

Editorial Board. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL).

Guest Editor, Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME). Special issue on Connected Learning in Contexts of Forced Displacement.

Guest Editor, Postdigital Science and Education. Special issue on The postdigital learning spaces of higher education.

Guest Editor, Learning, Media & Technology. Special Issue on Global technologies, Local Practices: redefining digital education with local, marginalised voices. 44 (3).

Knox, J.; Wang, Y.; and Gallagher, M. Eds. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Education: Speculative Futures and Emerging Practices. AICFE Future Schools 2030 book series. Springer Nature.

Current Issues in Emerging eLearning (CIEE): Volume 2, Issue 1 (2015) MOOC Theoretical Perspectives and Pedagogical Applications.

International Journal of Foreign Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea.

Fogdog Review (editor). Wright State University. 1 (1).

Remixing De Souza e Silva, A., & Frith, J. (2013). Re-narrating the city through the presentation of location. from Michael Gallagher on Vimeo.

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