We are looking for participants from the University of Edinburgh community (students and staff) to help us chart a values-based future amidst all the technological change impacting what we do as a university. We need your help to ensure that what we create as a university is from and for the University of Edinburgh and not a deterministic ‘solution’ in search of a problem. We see this as a continuing effort aimed at student and staff led research and development, an explicit action from the Near Future Teaching project.
This project, the Expanding the Teacher Function project, is advancing a broad speculative agenda to identify student and faculty attitudes towards automated agents (bots), and values we would want embedded therein; as well as determining appropriate and productive teaching and community-oriented implementations within programme or course contexts. This project is largely concerned with speculating how a: bots might be used to support teaching and learning practices within distance learning programmes offered through the University of Edinburgh, b: the impact of bots on existing teaching and learning practices as well as the development of new practices that might emerge; and c: the potential impact of the use of bots on the student and teaching experience.
And we need your help. If you are a member of the University of Edinburgh (student or staff), please sign up for one of the events below and help us chart a direction forward. We are looking for enthusiasm and not some predefined technological capacity. Anyone interested in teaching and the student experience at the University of Edinburgh are welcome to join. To do so, simply fill out the form below.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Not convinced? Listen to Myles Blaney and myself speak at jovial length about the subject in two podcasts below.