My Preamble
I generally do this at the end of the year or when I am making a major departure or something along those lines, but this is the latest version of end of year retrospective. 2013 was a bouncy year, some great things, some disillusionment, and some real progress in unexpected ways. My research is partially about multimodality and moving to narrative devices that aren’t exclusively text so I should practice what I preach here and present those. I will keep the text to a minimum, but I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I do hope I see as many of you as possible in 2014 and that the collaborations keep on appearing. My online networks are so graciously fruitful in that respect. A collection of people always willing to interact a bit if for no other reason than to know more.
Also, I should present my mantra for the year 2013 (and hopefully beyond). I have used it to reinforce my hunches, assumptions, and pursuits towards a kind of knowledge without any noticeable professional advantage. I do it because I love it and that is and should be enough.
Knowledge for the sake of understanding, not merely to prevail, that is the essence of our being. None can define its limits, or set its ultimate boundaries- Vannevar Bush
My Playlist for 2013
2013 Learning Mix by Michael Gallagher on Mixcloud
My Images from 2014
My Audio from 2014
My Video from 2014
Seoul Morning, Afternoon, Evening: 2013 from Michael Gallagher on Vimeo.
Seoul, Korea sunset over the Han River from Michael Gallagher on Vimeo.
Making Meaning through Motion, Symbols, and Signs from Michael Gallagher on Vimeo.
The river is everywhere & perpetually becoming: The Thames River as a vehicle for articulating simultaneity and presence from Michael Gallagher on Vimeo.
There you have it, everyone. Less text, more media. I am thankful for 2013 and its trials and tribulations. I hope this post finds you healthy and happy. Best of luck in 2014.