A noticeable narrative that has begun to appear in much of the conversation in the eLearning Africa community is a narrative of resistance, a narrative of struggle, a narrative of access. The above video really taps into these narratives by presenting access, bandwidth, and technology as core units of development, both in this community and overall. These are the currency of the realm, so to speak.
They make sure to link the success of the eLearning Africa community with the success of the continent overall. As goes these educational initiatives, so goes the fate of the continent. So, we can see a sharper narrative than we might see in other digital communities, one linked to historical counterparts. It is a narrative of urgency as well, that these shared goals of access to and use of learning technologies is a time-dependent issue.
It is also a community that appropriates the symbols, rites, and rituals of the physical cultures at times. So, we go from the unifying symbol of the community as found below:
To the following, which chronicles Mozambique post-independence (1975).

So, we see a connection of the digital community to the historical (physical) perspective. The pursuit of eLearning (as well as other economic initiatives) is a struggle to shed historical bondage, to be competitive, and unified. It strikes me as an indication of a cohesive community bound by shared goals.