So there it is; I have finally scene my alma mater. I never did find the iSchool though; I did stumble across the Hagerty Library only to be surprised at how incredibly small the actual building was.
As is the destiny of all Americans (and judging by the crowds, a good deal of the foreign residents of this country as well), I ran the Rocky steps. I imagine I am the umpteenth person to have said this, but they are deceptively difficult. I was running alongside four Asian people, and a gaggle of other Americans all recreating their moment of cinematic Italian Stallion-ness.
William Penn would be proud. With all the history in the city pertaining to our Founding Fathers, I am guessing the statue of Rocky Balboa gets more visitors every year than anything else in this town.
wow! i’m really jealous…i can’t wait to go one day, and run those steps and kiss that statue (of which I own a limited edition replica, smaller in scale (obviously) and authorized by the original artist).