Goodbye, London: My media from 2012-2013
London is a roost for every bird- Benjamin Disraeli I am leaving London next week, heading for a brief stint with family in New York and then off to Seoul,…
London is a roost for every bird- Benjamin Disraeli I am leaving London next week, heading for a brief stint with family in New York and then off to Seoul,…
Yes, I give the major events in my life headings and subheadings. I might be excited/ecstatic, but I am not sloppy. And I also include seemingly random photos of London…
(photo courtesy of Clara O’Shea via Second Life graduation at the University of Edinburgh) I am currently weaving my way through the northern English countryside (Durham to be exact) and…
As way leads on to way, so shall a simple post lead on to a bunch of other things. First things, first. Today’s track of the day comes from a…